LTD:- HRM is a job placement and recruitment
company, offering better opportunities to unemployed and
under-employed individuals. It offers various training
sessions, counseling, recruitment, training and team
building, attitude and climate surveys as well as
marketing and financial consultancy through a
network all around the world.
Health and Education Rural
Association (HERA):- The Health and
Education Rural Association (HERA) is an NGO established
in Jhang since 1997, working for poverty eradication in
remote areas of Punjab. Its areas of focus include basic
education; child rights; community development; adult
education and empowerment; education; health and
population welfare; integrated rural development; water
and sanitation and public health.
The ILO-IPEC Carpet
Project:- The aim of the ILO-IPEC carpet
project is to combat the worst form of child labour in
the carpet industry in Pakistan. Approximately 8,000
carpet-weaving children aged 14 years and below and 2000
younger siblings of these children will benefit from it.
The adult members of the families of the target children
will also benefit, as about 2000-3000, particularly
women, will be provided with income-generating
opportunities, including access to micro-credit.
Awareness raising and social mobilization campaigns will
be taken up with young and adult workers in the carpet
industry, as well as village communities by the
organizations involved, especially NGOs and community
groups. The project is being implemented in association
with the United States Department of Labor and the
Pakistan Carpet Manufacturers and Exporters Association
National Rural Support Programme
(NRSP):- The National Rural Support
Programme was set up as an NGO in 1991. The main
objective is to foster a countrywide network of
grassroots level organizations to enable rural
communities to plan, implement and manage developmental
activities and programmes for the purpose of ensuring
productive employment, alleviation of poverty and
improvement in the quality of life. It is working in the
Islamabad and in 28 districts of all the four provinces
of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. NRSP provides
social guidance and technical assistance in the fields
of finance; gender; human resource development;
monitoring assessment and planning; natural resource
management; physical infrastructure, technology, rural
credit and enterprise development. Other projects
include a rural support programme network, social
organization sector services and an urban poverty
alleviation project.
5/7/2001 is a non-profit public interest organization,
with a mission to overcome the digital divide in
Pakistan. Towards this end, it intends to develop
information technology (IT) solutions for poverty
eradication, undertake and advocate measures to enhance
the access of poor communities to IT resources, and
provide policy advice and carry out advocacy to ensure
the installation of structures and frameworks required
for pro-poor development. The main vehicle for such
demand creation is investment in the capacity of
communities to use the resources for their own economic,
social, political, and cultural purposes. The showcase
activity of is the proposed Villages OnLine
(VOL) portal. It will operate only in selected
districts, chosen in collaboration with CBOs, and aim to
digitize all relevant information in each village.
Details of its partners, core themes, and upcoming
projects are also provided online.
Sindh Education Foundation
(SEF):- The Sindh Education Foundation
(SEF), established in 1992, works to empower
disadvantaged communities towards social change by
creating and facilitating new approaches to learning and
education. Their site includesdetails of SEF's aims and
objectives, project undertakings, research activities,
latest organization updates, discussion areas and search
facilities. Articles of relevance to the Foundation's
objectives can also be submitted online. Details of its
community-based schools, programmes for women's
empowerment and working children; its data processing
and research cell and opinion polls are additional
informative and entertaining features of this
information rich and elegantly designed website built
with "Flash" elements.
Society for Community Awareness
and Mobilization, Balochistan (SCAMB):-
This society was established in 1998 by a group of young
development professionals. Its mission is to provide
facilitation and support in the empowerment of socially
and economically deprived and disadvantaged communities
of Balochistan; This website lists their social
development objectives, which include raising awareness
among them about their basic rights; increasing economic
growth, and creating gender sensitization within the
community. Activities consist of running social
awareness campaigns against the prevailing social evils
in Balochistan, such as Walwar (bride price), Siakari,
child marriages, and child labour. SCAMB is also serving
as the secretariat of Balochistan NGO's Federation
(BNGOF), an alphabetical listing of which appears on
this site, along with relevant contact
Ministry of Social Welfare,
Government of the Punjab:- In
collaboration with the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the
Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of the Punjab has
listed almost 6,000 NGOs registered with their
department. The website includes data on where the NGO
is located, when it was established, what its budget and
main activities are at present, and what kind of
management they operate under. Thirty-three districts
can be searched under the twelve types of welfare
activities NGOs are involved in. This information should
also help reach out to Pakistanis residing abroad, and
who are interested in working with organizations in
their home areas. A downloadable NGO registration form
is also available online. A link to their main site
provides details of the objectives, functions, projects,
and organizational structure of the Social Welfare
Department of the Government of Punjab. The focus lies
on activities concerning their Women Development and
Baitul Mal wings; and the laws and rules of the
Constitution they work under. The FAQs provide
interesting answers to questions of social concern to
Balochistan Community Irrigation
and Agriculture Project (BCIAP):- The
Balochistan Community Irrigation and Agriculture Project
(BCIAP) is a project funded by the World Bank, the
Government of the Netherlands, the Government of
Balochistan and the local farming community. Its goal is
to achieve sustainable development in per capita income
from irrigated agriculture, to improve rural standards
of living and alleviate poverty. Focus areas include
women and community development; water and land
management; and agriculture. Details of its project
activities; areas where flood and perennial irrigation
schemes are in progress; and the establishment of
'Farmers Organizations' (FO) as a model for an
appropriate community organization are also given on
this site, together with relevant contact
Thread Net Hunza:- A
project of the Karakoram Area Development Organization
(KADO), a non-profit community-based organization
working to promote sustainable development of mountain
areas in northern Pakistan. Comprising embroidery,
carpets, traditional goat/yak hair rugs (Sharma), wood
carvings, musical instruments and fabrics in traditional
motifs and designs, the project aims to transform local
crafts into globally marketable products and claims to
generate work and income for about 2000 women producers.
The website is linked to the 'Pan Asia' website
( which contains the images of these
products and from where mail orders can be placed for
National Strategies for Sustainable
Development:- Agenda 21, agreed at the
Rio Earth Summit in 1992, called on all countries to
introduce National Strategies for Sustainable
Development (nssd). OECD's Development Action Committee
(DAC), runs a project that involves a review of
experience with nssds, and other strategies for
environment and development, in a number of developing
countries on the basis of consultations with a range of
stakeholders. This site has been prepared as a web based
planning tool to assist the process - providing
necessary background and reference material in support
of these dialogues. Pakistan figures prominently on the
site which provides the latest information on its
National Conservation Strategy (NCS), especially the
details of NCS Mid Term Review. Links to other relevant
sites are also given.
The Balochistan Conservation Strategy
(BCS):- The Balochistan Conservation
Strategy (BCS) was prepared by the government of
Balochistan with the technical assistance of IUCN-The
World Conservation Union. It is a strategic plan
designed to define and address the issues affecting the
socio-economic development of Balochistan, through the
sustainable use of its natural resources. The BCS aims
to devise ways and means to weave environment and
natural resource conservation with development and to
recommend an institutional framework that will bring
ownership, sustainability and efficiency in management
of these vital endowments. The BCS focuses on an action
programme to be implemented over the next 10 years. The
report has three parts and all the data has been
provided with on the site.
The World Bank in
Pakistan:- The mission of World Bank is
to fight poverty with passion and professionalism for
lasting results. This website provides up-to-date
information on World Bank-assisted programs, data,
publications, and other information pertaining to
Pakistan. The site aims to be a useful tool for sharing
knowledge, promoting wider public access to information,
and stimulating debate about development issues in
Pakistan and around the globe. The site presents lists
of projects in Pakistan. The site also lists
various internet sites containing information on
development in Pakistan. The 2000-2001 World Development
Report can also be accessed.
World Development Report 2000/2001:
Attacking Poverty -- World Bank:- The
full text of the World Development Report (WDR)
2000/2001: Attacking Poverty is now available for
download. Along with the text of the report, World Bank
has created a thorough Website that offers supporting
information. Key resources include a large collection of
background documents, conference and workshop papers,
and the archive of the electronic discussion of the
consultation draft. Also included is an ever-changing
What's New section, the World Development Report
Workplan, a calendar of events, and the WDR Newsletters.
Though global in scope, WDR can be read in the national
context of Pakistan.
Pakistan Poverty Alleviation
Fund:- Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund
(PPAF) was established in Feburary 1997 as a non-profit
organisation. Its purpose is to improve the standard of
living in Pakistan and to eliminate poverty. This site
highlights the current operations of PPAF, the projects
it will launch in the near future and its components. It
also provides information on the governance structure of
the organisation and an overview on the eligibility
criteria of PPAF regarding its partner organisations.
The news section provides the current updates on the
activities of PPAF.
Asian Development Bank:
Pakistan:- This section of ADB's website
contains information about its operations in Pakistan in
addition to some general development information about
the country, details of the projects and latest news
about them. List of publications, depository libraries
and related links are also available. Some useful
documents in the pdf format can be downloaded from the
Aga Khan Development
Network:- Aga Khan Development Network
is a worldwide network launched by Aga Khan, the
spiritual head of the Ismaili community of Islam but its
various agencies are private, international,
non-denominational, organisations. Working in the areas
of economic development, health, education, rural
development, capacity building of NGOs, housing and
architecture, the network is extremely active in
Pakistan and has extensive projects, especially in the
Northern Areas. This information is organized
thematically on the website.
United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) in Pakistan:- UNDP is
part of the United Nations and upholds the vision of the
United Nations Charter. It is committed to the principle
that development is inseparable from the quest for peace
and human security and that the United Nations must be a
strong force for development as well as peace. UNDP's
mission is to help countries in their efforts to achieve
sustainable human development by assisting them to build
their capacity to design and carry out develop women and
the protection and regeneration of the environment,
giving first priority to poverty eradication. UNDP
Pakistan addresses the issue of poverty eradication and
SHD through three programme areas: (a) governance; (b)
gender; and (c) sustainable livelihoods. This site is
rich in its content. UNDP Pakistan Overview gives a
quick overview of the Programme. The interested user can
check out each Thematic Programme Area. For the ease of
the netter a Consolidated Project Listing is also
available. The site has links to the Sub Regional
Resource Facility, Regional Governance Programme,
Country Cooperation Framework 1998-2003, and Human
Development Center. Moreover, a Media and Advocacy Page
is also maintained on this site. Besides these,
Performance Indicators have been identified. The UNDP
main site can also be accessed.
DFID Urbanization:- The
Department for International Development (DFID) is the
British government department responsible for promoting
development and the reduction of poverty. Developed on
the rules of simplicity, site narrates its objective as
'The purpose of this website is to inform readers about
current developments in the sector, and to focus on the
work supported by DFID country programmes and research
activities. The site provides an archive of DFID
URBANISATION Newsletters, Executive summaries of all
projects DFID has recently funded and Links to other
engineering sector KaR sites. Above-mentioned sections
have sub-links respectively and currently operational
and supported by a search engine.
Pakistan Project "Alleviates
Poverty":- A joint evaluation by FAO,
Netherlands and Pakistan late in 1996 found that FAO's
Participatory Rural Development project in the Punjab
has had a "measurable, positive impact" on the region's
poverty levels. Through its role as project implementing
agency, the Faisalabad Agricultural University has
learnt much about participatory development. Other
linkages are also provided on the page relating to
Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety
Nets:- This page is one of the
occasional papers of Human Development Report of United
Nations Development Programme. From this paper we learn
about the untargeted Government subsidies, Social Safety
Nets; Public Income Transfer Programs: Zakat, Ushr and
Bait-ul-maal program; and the Recent policy reforms and
adjustments, poverty, and human development: some
preliminary remarks.
UNIFEM -Eradication Feminized
Poverty:- United Nations Development
Fund for Women and the Agha Khan Foundation Canada Since
1994, have been collaborating on an action research
project looking at alternative ways in which women are
organizing for economic empowerment in South Asia. The
site gives a brief introduction and the main objectives
of the collaboration.
Changes in Poverty and Income Inequality
under IMF-Supported Programs:- This site
contains a document about the changes in poverty and
income inequality under IMF-Supported program. The
study, however, concluded that, although there was no
evidence that IMF-supported programs worsened income
inequality, different policy measures had different
effects on different income groups.
Women in Urban Credit:-
Women comprise almost half the population of
Pakistan and are an integral part of its economy, both
in the formal and informal sectors. Nevertheless, their
efforts remain largely "invisible," and are not
represented in economic decision-making. In order to
meet their subsistence needs, women in urban areas are
being forced to seek economic employment, but due to the
lack of their mobility, education, skills, and access to
credit facilities, they have limited options. The site
gives information about the project whose executing
agencies are the Government of Pakistan Ministry of
Finance and the First Women Bank. The implementing
agencies are the First Women Bank Limited with
partnership of the Ministry of Women Development,
national and international NGOs.
Pakistan-Poverty Alleviation Fund
(PPAF):- With the funding of World Bank
the Government of Pakistan launched PPAF with Pakistan
Poverty Alleviation Fund Company 6-A Park Road, F-8/2,
Islamabad, Pakistan as its implementing agency. The
target population for the project are the poor and
disadvantaged rural and urban communities, especially
women. It is anticipated that under-served districts and
communities that lack essential infrastructure and have
high unemployment/ underemployment will be targeted.
This site gives the introduction of the PPAF objectives,
project benefits and risks, donor's equity and other
important aspects of the project.
Bunyad:- The site
comprises four sub-pages and a main page with a
declaration of organisations establishment in 1994.
Links narrate mission statement comprising two lines,
Programmes, donors and Supporting Activity. The pages to
view through these links carry statistical data on
specific topics.
ASIANICS International,
Pakistan:- ASIANICS inspires to improve
standard of living of rural masses through agriculture
and rural development in Pakistan and other developing
countries. ASIANICS works in close cooperation with
academia, government and people in providing technical
assistance on development projects to eliminate
backwardness and poverty.
International Water Management Institute
(IWMI):- The International Water
Management Institute is a scientific research
organization focusing on the use of water in agriculture
and on the water needs of developing countries. IWMI has
ongoing research and development projects in India,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Mexico, the Philippines, Iran,
Vietnam, China and Africa. It showcases research
programmes and reports, publications, and papers by IWMI
researchers published in scientific journals. The impact
of IMWI's research on water management practice and
policy is also available. One can also receive and
submit information to IWMI's network of NGOs and related
organizations. The services for journalists and
publications section can be accessed in eight European
languages. A software area, scientific library and
regular news updates, special features, vacancy
announcements, and necessary contact information round
up this information rich website.
World Development Report
Attacking PovertyWorld Bank. The full text of the
World Development Report (WDR) 2000/2001: Attacking
Poverty is now available for download. Along with the
text of the report, World Bank has created a thorough
Website that offers supporting information. Key
resources include a large collection of background
documents, conference and workshop papers, and the
archive of the electronic discussion of the consultation
draft. Also included is an ever-changing What's New
section, the World Development Report Workplan, a
calendar of events, and the WDR
Institute:- The Worldwatch Institute is an environmental
research organization providing cutting-edge,
interdisciplinary analysis of the trends that are
shaping our future. Worldwatch supports initiatives to
build an environmentally-sustainable economy and society
through its studies of agriculture, biodiversity,
energy, transportation, population, poverty, and
Regional Poverty Alleviation for Asia and
the Pacific:- This
is the site of a UNDP, China programme. The site
includes details about the background, main objectives,
project strategy, implementation status and budget and
agencies involved. The programme targets the
Asia-Pacific region because this region has t he largest
concentration of poor in the world, despite economic
growth. It is currently estimated that over 800 million
people live in conditions of absolute poverty. The
objective of the regional poverty alleviation programme
is to increase the capacity of national and local
governments and civil society organizations to
effectively plan and implement poverty alleviation
programme and activities in the countries of the
Asia-Pacific region. Pakistan is also one of the country
which is participating in thi s programme.
It has other similar
programmes such as poverty alleviation and sustainable
development in Yilong country, Sichuan. This site also
consists of the background, main objectives and project
budget/ agencies involved in the project.
Poverty Alleviation Output at
UNCTAD:- This page
contains links to poverty alleviation work carried out
by UNCTAD (United Nations on Trade and Development).
This site explains why UNCTAD has been involved in
poverty alleviation; what has it done about poverty
alleviation and the effects of glo balization and
liberalization on poverty (Seminar on the effects of
international economic relations on poverty).. The main
objective of the Standing Committee on Poverty
Alleviation created by UNCTAD is to contribute to
national and international efforts to prevent, alleviate
and reduce poverty, particularly where it is more acute,
as well as to the formulation of related national and
international policies, bearing in mind the diversity of
country situations, including the particular problems of
the lea st developed countries and the most vulnerable
population groups. The Standing Committee on Poverty
Alleviation was the first inter government body with
open, universal membership to deal exclusively with
issues of poverty prevention, alleviation and redu
ction. It provides a forum for exchanging information
and national experiences between governments,
international organizations, other inter government
bodies and non-governmental organizations on poverty
issues. The site also consists of other poverty re lated
links to poverty and human resources division of the
World Bank and World Bank reports dealing with rural
poverty alleviation
Poverty and Human Resources Division
(PRDPH):- The
PRDPH carries out policy-oriented research on the World
Bank's overarching objective - reducing poverty - and on
human resources issues. The division's work program is
organized around the three elements of the Bank's
poverty reduction strategy: incre asing employment
opportunities for the poor by promoting labor-intensive
growth; enhancing the human capital of the poor by
investing in education and health; and providing
effective, well-targeted safety nets for those who are
unable to take advantage of these opportunities. This
page provides information on the division's research on
how labour market policies effect poverty and on how
growth and poverty reduction can be sustained.
Poverty Net and the World
Bank:- Poverty Net
provides information to understand what is poverty,
dimensions of poverty, measuring poverty, trends in
poverty over time and the goals for the 21st century. It
further elaborates how to respond to poverty and
stresses upon the developing coun tries to embark on
strategies that help them attain the goal of poverty
alleviation. One of its links to inequality, poverty and
socio-economic performance provides information on the
relationship between distributional dynamics, economic
growth and pover ty reduction. The site contains
in-depth content on social capital in which evidence is
provided which shows that social cohesion - social
capital - is critical for poverty alleviation and
sustainable human development of any country, state or
region. The link to Safety Nets focuses on programmes
that target the poor, and provides program specific
examples of design issues and principles as it relates
to: Cash Transfer, In-kind Transfers, and Public Works.
Social Crisis in East Asia:- This site covers the World
Bank's efforts to address the financial and social
crisis in South East Asia covering health and nutrition,
and education; issues of poverty alleviation; employment
and income maintenance in terms of short and long term..
Throug h this site reader is enabled to learn the social
crisis in South East Asia, which countries are affected,
who is affected within countries, how are households
coping and what is the response of the World Bank and
the international community. This web sit e provides
resources and tools to support people and organizations
working to address the social crisis. This East Asia
Social Crisis web site is a collaborative effort between
the East Asia regional team, the Poverty Group in the
Poverty Reduction and Ec onomic Management Network, and
the Human Development Network. Emphasis is placed upon
the social indicators in which along with the
definition, the key social indicators across all
countries in the East Asia region are written which are
used to assess the incidence of poverty. In addition to
this, the social indicators have also been categorized
by country.
PlaNet Bank:- PlaNet Bank is a new
international non-governmental organization that aims at
using the potentials offered by the Internet to develop
micro-credit. PlaNet Systems supports mainly
Micro-finance Institutions and NGOs implementing
micro-finance programmes. P laNet Finance's goal is to
inform the user about the institutions and its
activities and propose specific modules like the
inscription module or the donation one. The aim of this
website is to acquaint reader with the activities of
PlaNet Bank and how it helps in eradicating poverty.
PlaNet Bank is located at Paris.
Programme for Research on Poverty
Alleviation:- This
site reflects the programme promoted by the Grameen
Trust Bank of Bangladesh initiated by Professor Mohammed
Yonus. The programme officially started in June 1994
with funding from Netherlands Government. The Grameen
Bank of Bangladesh has been widely acknowledged as
effective in reducing poverty. This site provides
information and expertise facility, initiated to promote
eradication of poverty via Grameen Trust and Grameen
Bank. The site is designed to further the aim and
objectives of this programme whose main objective is
poverty alleviation as the slogan of Grameen Bank says,
"poverty deserves only to remain in the museums". The
web site provides in-depth information regarding the
Grameen Bank activities through its publications and
newsletters, a nnual reports and research summaries. The
on-going research programmes at Grameen Bank and Grameen
Trust are also pointed out. An extensive virtual library
has also been developed. The services of Professor M.
Yonus, in this website, are duly acknowledged while
giving his bio-data and coverage of his works in
magazines like New York Times, News Week, Time Line,
Herald and Los Angeles Times. Different views concerning
the Micro-credit Summit are also included in this site.
National Development Strategy - Poverty
Alleviation:- This
site highlights poverty and the measures taken in
poverty alleviation in Guyana. This web site is one of
the chapters of National Development Strategy. The basic
features of the sector of National Development Strategy
has been discussed in which one can learn the historical
trends, poverty alleviation in the period of structural
adjustment and the recent measures applied to poverty
eradication within the development process. Legislative
changes, in the website, are recommended to effect the
poverty a lleviation objective and also mentioned along
with policy recommendations are technical justifications
for the proposed policy level interventions.
Local Organization in Rural Poverty
Alleviation:- The
programme, given in this website, is concerns the
potentials that different types of local organization
might have for bringing about changes in the conditions
of specific groups of the poor as well as in the
structural contexts that give rise to pove rty. It is a
research programme at the Centre for Development
Research located in Copenhagen. The site briefly
discusses about a basic assumption that the relationship
between local organizations and marginalised groups
needs to be analyzed in its broad s ocial, economic and
political context. It further gives the details of its
eight researchers and their respective researches in
Copenhagen, Banglore (India) and Guadalajara (Mexico).
Institute for Research on
Institute for Research on Poverty is a nonprofit,
nonpartisan, university-based center for research into
the causes and consequences of poverty and social
inequality in the United States. The United States
Department of Health and Human Services also desi gnate
it as a National Poverty Research Center. It is located
at Wisconsin - Madison. The site highlights the steps
taken by the Institute to deal with poverty problems and
help eradicate poverty. Details about the description of
the institute, its histor y, the available research
opportunities and seminars and conferences held are
present in the site. The latest and previous
publications are also available on this site. It also
provides links to other poverty-related information
Gender Issues in Poverty Alleviation and
Employment Promotion:-
The site highlights the concern of the
International Labour Organization with the problems of
poverty and unemployment. The promotion of productive
employment as a key to lift people out of poverty has
thus become central to the ILO. It has been notified in
the site that labour and employment issues are closely
interrelated with problem of poverty. The key gender
issues in poverty alleviation and employment promotion
are addressed. The outline of the progress or
achievements are given addressing poverty r elated
issues by means of improved productivity and returns to
labour; access to additional employment opportunities
and to better terms and conditions of work; social
protection for poor working women outside the realm of
conventional schemes; and organi zational participation
of women. There are also some direct targeted programs
of ILO for employment creation and poverty alleviation
pointed out in this site. Practical guidance/
recommendations on how to integrate the gender
perspective in poverty allevi ation and employment
creation are provided too.